Thursday, January 30, 2014

God is Pushing: Listening in the Dark

Through this whole journey, I have tried to find what it is that God is pointing me at.  I feel like he is shoving me around, trying to make me open my eyes.  See something.  As I have slowly been registering what I think God wants from me.  Several things have come to my attention, to the point where I have gotten to the point with God where I just want to yell, OK, I GET IT!  

I have felt an overwhelming desire to help others like us.  I want to reach out and comfort the families that have been presented with the same situation as us.  I have wanted nothing more than to reach over and hug and comfort women in the pain, the pain that I currently carry in my heart.  This became very apparent at my last doctor's appointment.  We were talking with my doctor, and she informed us that she had just received a call from the maternal fetal specialist that we had just come from.  A couple was on their way over, and they had just received similar news.  Their child would not survive.  Rod and I immediately started picturing the waiting room, trying to figure out which couple it was.  I found myself praying for them, trying to visualize their faces.  As we walked out of the doctors office, a lady walked in.  I looked at Rod and said, "It's her."  I knew, I knew by the pain in her eyes.  It took everything I had not to reach over, and hug her, and simply say, " I know."

God hasn't stopped there.  He has been forcing me at my dream and biggest fear.  I have felt an overwhelming desire to help others, with the passion God gave me from a very young age, photography.  I have spent years planning a business, taking photos for family and friends, but always to scared to really go for it.  The last few weeks, I feel like he has shoved me so hard at it, I can barely keep from stumbling.  I have been fighting with the idea for the last several weeks.  Is this really want he wants, is this really the direction I need to go?  Then I felt like I received a slap so hard, I couldn't deny it anymore.  My oldest brother was in town, and made a statement, that even my husband looked at me and smiled.  He said, "You know how God is, the more you run away from what he wants you to do, the more he shoves you towards it."  All I could do was look at Rod, and say, "Well, that's ironic."  

As I realize our journey of carrying our sweet Tristan is coming to an end, my desires to reach out to others and to truly start my photography career has become nothing but a certainty to me.  After I finish this phase of our journey, and begin the next phase, I plan on using my skill in photography to help myself and others heal.  God gave me a passion when I was very young, I believe he is now expecting me to use that passion to heal my soul and to help others heal theirs.

The journey my family is embarking on has no end.  This is something we never get over, but will have to learn to live in the pain.  It isn't easy, and it is about to get harder, but God is going to provide the comfort for my family.  He is going to provide the ability for me to transition my pain, to the ability to comfort others.  No one chooses this path, it is chosen for you.  Once you are chosen you can do nothing but live each day one day a time.  Some days are easier than others, some you can barely get out of bed.  But each day is a part of this journey and, I have to have the faith that God will always provide me with the comfort and courage I need to get through the day.  I still pray for a miracle, but as the day gets closer, I realize, God may have had a bigger plan for Tristan, and that plan he may have to carry out in the arms of our Lord.

Friday, January 24, 2014

God Protects Us, In The Last 8

8 weeks remain.  

8 weeks until my whole life changes, my whole world will become different.  Normal will be different for me, my family will have to learn to find joy while living in grief.  8 weeks.

In the last few days, my mind has stopped processing the whole situation.  I have actually started to become excited, and joyful about meeting my sweet Tristan.  I have prayed for God to give me the comfort to enjoy the moments I do have with my son, and to not spend my time with him grieving over his loss but celebrating what time I do receive with him.  I have felt like I am going insane, as the excitement has began to build inside me.  8 weeks, and Roderick Tristan will be in my arms.  8 weeks, and I get to kiss his face, tickle his feet, and look over every inch of his tiny body.  8 weeks, and his daddy will get to hold him for the first time, and melt my heart even more.  8 weeks.

The reality of what happens in 8 weeks stops there.  It's like God has answered my prayer, and is protecting my heart and mind from what happens after these 8 weeks.  After 8 weeks...the thought that has terrified me for the last 9 weeks.  The pain, the grief, the emptiness...I can't seem to process it anymore.  It's like God has reached down, and blocked that part of the process from me.  He guards my heart as we end this process.  He guards my mind from all the fears of the future.  He has given me a joy with this pregnancy that I wasn't sure was possible 9 weeks ago.  Every since we found out our Tristan wasn't coming home I have been a huge mix of emotions.  I have been up one moment, and down the next.  But for the last few days, joy has overcome me.  The joy that a "normal" pregnancy would have towards the end.  The excitement of meeting the human being growing inside you.  The thought of finally holding a miracle in my arms, that God had graciously choose me to carry.  

Maybe that's the very thing holding me together, giving me the joy I have.  God's gracious mercy.  

I know that my son will not be coming home to live with our family.  I know I am about to experience pain beyond my understanding.  I know that my home, my family is about to be attacked harder than ever from the enemy, to turn away from God.  I also know, that even though this is more than I can handle, God has and will handle it for me.  I know that I have been blessed with the most amazing husband, that is going to guard our family and our faith from the enemy.  I know that I do not have to fear the pain, because God has already felt it.  He gave his son, and now I have to give mine.  Tristan may not be here to save the world, but he has a purpose and I will always help him live out his purpose on this Earth.  

8 weeks.

8 weeks and I say hello.  8 weeks and I will have to say goodbye.  8 weeks if I am lucky, I have left with my son.  8 weeks we have left as a family of four. 8 weeks of God's angel living inside of me. 8 weeks and God choose me.  8 weeks and God choose Rod.  8 weeks and God choose Elexander.  8 weeks, and we will find a greater faith and reliance on God that we never knew was possible. I pray for 8, but I know 8 may not even get to be.  All I can do is trust in God, because trusting him is all we have right now.

Romans 8:26-29
26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.
28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose. 29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

How Blessed Am I

My oldest brother, Randy, wrote me this poem.  He lives in England, and he got to meet my Tristan while he was still in my tummy this weekend.  I was super excited to see him for the first time in 3 years, and cannot wait until him and his family return in July.  I just wish I wasn't going to have empty arms.  I plan on reading this at Tristan's funeral, so a part of Randy can be there, and because it is so perfect.  For all you women that have lost a child, I hope this brings you as much comfort as it has me.

How Blessed Am I

How blessed am I
to be a part of God's plan
to carry a child
a perfect little man

The hands of God
have been at work in me
a creation so wonderfully and beautifully made

Sadly I am full of sorrow
for my child will not grow up
to live with me tomorrow

By heavens standards
he's perfect in every way
But on this Earth
he will not be allowed to stay

How can I be blessed
when I feel this much pain
It's hard to wrap my mind around it
I scream, I cry, and feel insane

My God, My God
have you forsaken me?
Why so soon
does he have to be with thee?

I do not understand
God's sovereign plan

Why does this child have to leave me?
Why does this have to be?

But I know of God's promise
a life beyond what we know
a place of rejoicing
where the faithful will surely go

So in the midst of my grief
I'll cling to his word
I'll still be kicking and screaming
But I know my prayers are heard

So how blessed am I?

So very much so
Even though I don't comprehend
it's more than I can ever know

For I was chosen by God
to help create a child
to carry an angel
even if only for a little while

By: Randy Leach

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Praying for More Time

You know those pregnant women that complain, about how much longer they have.  How miserable they are because they are so large, and just want their baby to come out already.  If you are one of those, stop, and cherish every single moment you have.  Some of us are begging for the time you are wishing away. With my first child, my time to grow him big and strong within me was cut short due to preeclampsia.  He was born 6 weeks early, and I have been blessed beyond imagination that he is healthy, and does not have any developmental issues due to being premature.  It took me over a year to stop blaming myself for what I thought was my body failing my son.  For two weeks I wept each night with my heart aching in pain for him to be home.  I spent almost my entire day at the hospital, because I refused to leave his side.  I would be forced out of the NICU at night, for a nurses change and my mother dragging me out to get some sleep.  I thought that pain couldn't be matched....then Tristan came along.

My emotions have been all over the place since we found out Tristan's diagnosis back in November.  I have always had days that the emotions of actually losing my child have been overwhelming.  I have broken down, and I have not cared who was there to see it.  I have had days of overwhelming hope and faith that God will heal him.  I know he can, and I have just expected it to happen.  Then yesterday happen, reality is starting to truly set in.  I am not sure how much of it was seeing him, and realizing it is all happening or how much was it being in the exact same room with the exact same technician when we found out Tristan's diagnosis.  (On an unrelated noted, that technician was AMAZING once again, and told us she has been praying for us.  She also checked to make sure we had a church home to help support us.  She told me anything I wanted to know about my son, and got me any picture I wanted of him.)

We had a check up sonogram yesterday.  Tristan is still growing, but at an extremely low rate.  He is measuring close to 5 weeks behind, and still only weighing about 1 lb.  He seems to not have the ability to swallow, which is causing my amniotic fluid levels to increase.  I am still in what is considered the normal range, but only by 1 cm.  Although this is still a day by day, having to much fluid can send me into preterm labor.  The doctor informed me that I could go the rest of my pregnancy with this same amount of fluid in me or my fluid may increase.  And it may not matter anyways, I could still just go into labor at any moment.  I have been informed I am likely to go into preterm labor simply because of his condition, and all the mechanics that work with a pregnant body carrying a child with this kind of condition.  Health wise, Tristan is living happily and safely within the walls of my womb.  I am healthy, and I am gradually starting to be able to control my blood pressure at the doctors office, so no signs of preeclampsia thus far.

As of now, we are both healthy, and my body is keeping my son alive.  I pray for as much time as God will allow.  I pray to naturally go into labor, so I won't have to be induced which could very well send him home to our Lord.  I pray that we can hold him while he is still on this earth.  I hope Rod and I both get the chance to tell him how much we love him, and kiss his sweet face.  I pray that Elex gets to meet his baby brother, and gets to tickle him and tell him he loves him just once.  I pray that my parents, and my in laws get to hold their grandson one time and get to say goodbye.  I pray at the very least, that Rod and I are able to say good bye to our son, and tell him how much he is loved.

At this point I am fully aware that it does not seem like it is God's will to heal my son, but as I have said before.  I will not give hope for his healing until he is gone in the grave.  I know no matter what happens God will provide.  I may freak out at times over the agony of it all or the financial burden we are about to endure. But I know, God will provide, for everything.  I just have to believe that he will provide me with the strength and comfort I need.

Monday, January 6, 2014

I Wish I Could Be Normal

Grief is a roller coaster ride, you are never sure what kind of day you are going to have.  One day I may be over whelmed with peace and hope, and the next day (or sometimes hour) barely be able to put one foot in front of the other.  I never know what the day will hold, and sometimes it takes a while to even see what kind of day it is going to be.  I try to look at each day as a good day.  I get up to wake up next to the man of my dreams (actually better), and I have the sweetest little boy in the world giving me kisses and hugs every morning.  So how could it be a bad day right?...Yeah, then grief hits.

Today was no different.  I was tired to start with since this lovely weather has caused both Elex and I both allergies and cold problems.  I was dragging through the day, barely making it through with my kiddos at school.  Today was very much so a, my body is here, my mind is not.  I tried to stay focused on school work, and getting things done for my class.  But I would find myself staring into space, completely lost.  I was out of it, but my grief or what I call reality hitting me, didn't set in until after school.  As I was walking to my car, tears started to flow.  I had sunglasses to cover my face in case I ran into any students.  I got into my car and they just fell, I drove away, trying to think of the "big game" and what I was going to cook.  I found myself sitting in the middle of Walmart parking lot, crying in my car. I couldn't control it.  I was in complete devastation.  Why?  What was it that just hit me like a wrecking ball.  Out of no where I was crying uncontrollably.  Then I remembered the text I sent my sister right before I left school, the text of frustration.

So what broke me down?  All the things I don't get to do..

I don't get to have a baby shower

I don't get to go and register for baby stuff at the store

I don't get to pick out cute clothes

I don't get to have maternity pictures taken
  (I had my brother take a few for me at Thanksgiving, but we don't know when I will have this little boy, so I will never get to see how large I really get other than my lovely bathroom selfies I take each week.)

I don't get to have that coveted moment of my husband in the nursery, holding our baby up, showing him off to all that have gathered (this is always my favorite part, watching the new dad with the baby in the nursery)

I don't get to dedicate my son at church, on Mothers Day

These are all things that are so simple, and so taken for granted by most.  Honestly, I have never had a "normal" baby shower.  My baby showers fell after I already had the baby with Elex since I was sent into the hospital so early with pre eclampsia.  I did get to register at the store with my husband, which was actually a blast, and I picked out some perfect outfits for my little man.  I never did really get to have maternity pictures taken, I was only able to set up a few shots at home while I was home for two days in between hospital stays (three days later I delivered Elex).  Rod never got that moment in the nursery being able to show his son off.  Elex was rushed to the NICU immediately after delivery.  We did dedicate Elex at church though, and it was the best mother's day, my first as a mommy, and it will always mean so much to me. I find myself just wishing, I could have a normal pregnancy.  That I could have the "normal" stuff that everyone else gets, but once again...I drew the short straw.  For whatever reason, I just can't be normal.

What I would give, to have a normal pregnancy.

Friday, January 3, 2014

2014...I am not ready for you.

For the last few days I have barely been able to put one foot in front of the other.  I thought I was getting sick, it didn't seem to matter how much sleep I got, I still feel like I am just barely able to function.  Today I realized that other than my lovely allergies my exhaustion was coming from the pain in my heart.

As everyone entered the new year with joy, and looking forward to things to come, reality hit me.  I was greeting the new year with a heavy heart.  This year is going to be the hardest year of my life.  This year is going to bring more pain than I have ever experienced.  I am going to have to learn to be a new person, a person that will always have a piece of me missing.  My family is going to have to learn to be a different kind of family, one that will always have a hole.  

My heart hurts more and more as the days pass by.  I realize that I am one day closer....closer to the pain.  Part of me is filled with joy when I think about meeting my little boy for the first time.  I can't wait to see his sweet face, and kiss him.  I can't wait to hold him close, and tell him how much I love him.  I can't wait to look at each of his features and decide if they are his daddy's or mine.  Part of my heart rejoices, I get to hold one of God's many miracles.  Then it becomes sad, I am going to have to give up my son.  I am going to have to say goodbye, as soon as I say hello.  I am going to have to hand my son over the God.  I am going to have to have a nurse take him away, for me to never see psychically again.  I am going to have to go home to an empty crib, and an empty room.  I won't have the joy of waking up multiple times during the night to my son crying, and being able to rock him as I feed him.  I won't get the joy of watching my husband get home, and wrapping his little boy up in his arms.  I am not going to get to watch him hold both our little boys on his chest, while they watch sports together.  

A part of me will always be missing.  I am going to have to learn to be a different kind of person.  I am going to have to learn to live in constant grief.  This year, we will change, in a way we never imagined we would have to as a family.  This year instead of having a resolution, I am just going to take each day at a time.  I am not going to make any long term goals.  But learn to listen more closely to my heart and God.

So what does 2014 mean to me?
2014 means cherishing every moment I have left with this little boy.  I am not sure when God is going to take him home, but I know the longest I will be allowed to have with him is about 11 weeks. (Although, I still pray for a miracle, and hope God gives him to me till he grows old.)

2014 means I am going to have to learn to be a different person, and learn to live in grief.

2014 means giving my pain, my heartache to the Lord.  I am going to have to learn to let go of things, and just remember that his plans (even if I hate them very much) are greater than mine.

2014 means shutting up, stop planning, and opening my heart to what in the world God is trying to tell me.  My heart has been so heavy, and I feel like God is trying to point me in a direction, I am just not sure where, why or what.  

2014 means getting to see my oldest brother and his family for the first time in three years...with empty arms, and a torn heart.

2014 means many things that I do not even realize it holds

2014 means trying to not cry each time I see a mother holding her new baby. Trying not to be jealous, and judgmental asking why she got to keep her baby?

2014 means trying to rejoice for each new life that is born on this earth (cause lets face it, EVERYONE IS PREGNANT!), and not yelling at God, why me?  Why must I lose my child, and they get to keep theirs?  I must learn to overcome the anger, and pain I feel when I see their perfect little heads on their sonograms.

2014 means falling in complete devastation at the feet of the Lord, asking him to heal me.

2014 means falling even more deeply in love with my husband.  He is my rock, and I cannot imagine my life without his unyielding faith.  I pray he only knows the depth of my love for him, and how incredibly blessed I feel that I get to call him mine.

2014 means holding my sweet Elex and stealing as many kisses and hugs as I can.  Praying over him multiple times a day, and teaching him all I can about his little brother, and the Lord.

2014 means, leaving all the unknown to God, and allowing him to direct us.  

So please don't judge the dark circles under my eyes. Don''t take it personally if I snap at you or ignore you online.  Don't think because I walk away in a the middle of a conversation I am trying to be rude.  Understand that if you say/ask something like, "how are you?", "God always has a plan," "God needed  another angel," "you are so strong," "your faith is so strong", and I look at you like you are crazy or grunt.  It's because I feel like crap, and there is no way I am suppose to feel good about this.  I know God has a plan, but that doesn't mean I like it.  Don't tell me he needed another angel, he didn't ask for yours. I am NOT strong, I being held up only by the Lord and my husband.  Just because I say I trust in the Lord, doesn't mean I don't yell at him.  It doesn't mean I haven't begged for him to heal my child.  It does not mean I have not slammed my fist into the wall, and screamed at him, why me?  But I know that I have the choice of either running to him, and having him hold me up, or running away from him blaming him for something I do not understand.

My heart hurts, more than I can describe, so through this time.
Just remember, I am simply trying to survive.

Roderick Tristan Thompson, you are loved more than you will ever know.